As one of the most well known UK retailers Tesco manages a huge portfolio of almost 3400 stores and petrol stations. We’ve been working with Tesco for over 17 years implementing large-scale multi-site energy management projects with E.ON control solutions, that support their keen prioritisation of energy efficiency across their sites. With a target of reaching net zero by 2050, Tesco have adopted a science based strategy to push them towards becoming carbon neutral using the energy tracking, monitoring and data insight functionality our energy management systems provide. Energy dashboards Our energy dashboards allow you to see detailed consumption data at site level, that can be used to define appropriate energy efficiency measures. Monitor use and operations We monitor how much energy is used and identify ways to make improvements and reduce waste. We can then fix these things remotely. Track results and financial returns We use the data to understand how much energy has been saved as a result of implemented measures along with energy cost reductions. Our energy management systems provide Tesco with energy dashboards that share a breadth of information from across their estate. This data allows them to drill down and look at detailed consumption data at site level. We then work with them to help prioritise actions, identify inefficiencies and target wastage. We can then perform remote fixes, implement changes, and track results and financial returns from what the data is telling us.


What sets Tesco apart is their understanding of the value of energy data – and also putting these findings into actionable decisions and projects. Gordon Cameron, Head of EMC at E.ON Control Solutions.
We work closely with the Tesco maintenance teams to support energy and store improvements, whilst maintaining a comfortable store environment for shoppers. We also carry out real-time tracking for carbon-saving projects such as store re-engineering. E.ON Control Solutions manage energy costs and prioritise proactive maintenance, that’s enabled Tesco to achieve 50% of their annual energy reduction via remote connectivity initiatives and maintenance in the last financial year.


This level of control gives complete visibility of the health of their vast estate and associated energy consumption profiles, and helps support their net zero goals by helping them optimise and reduce energy use.

Gordon Cameron, Head of EMC at E.ON Control Solutions.

We’ve helped Tesco optimise and reduce their energy use. If you’d like to talk to us about how we can create an energy management package for your business just complete our online form and we’ll call you back to dicuss your needs.